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Phishing Anatomy Infographic


Concept and Development

Development of Branding Identity for Ecoa Puc-Rio, with a majority of items to be posted in Instagram, but flexible to also meet parameters for other media. Limited by the B&W  original colors, I chose to use vibrant colors as background creating in this way a cohesive ID.​


Easter infographic

Ecoa - Puc Rio 

Concept and Development

Development of Branding Identity for Ecoa Puc-Rio, with a majority of items to be posted in Instagram, but flexible to also meet parameters for other media. Limited by the B&W  original colors, I chose to use vibrant colors as background creating in this way a cohesive ID.




WhatsApp Image 2021-06-11 at

Print da pagina do Instagram


Paleta de cores

Print da pagina do Instagram


Frame from the promotional video



Research, Concept and Development

This project, carried out as a student, was a team development targeting the Brazilian youth population. Aiming at a diet that would offer healthier food with little or no work at all, we developed a system that presents well-explained recipes and simple ingredients. Providing a new approach to cooking experience, reconnecting the consumer with healthier, inexpensive, quality food, also known as sustainable food.


Team Members: Agustina Caldas, Felipe Rabaça, Bárbara Fróes, Sofia Backx e Vitor Ourô.


Box with ingredients


Research, Concept and Text creation

With the premise that objects are useful beyond their designated functions, this team project was developed as a student, in partnership with PARNASO (Serra dos Órgãos National Park). In this project, we explored the idea of ​​seeding knowledge, stimulating a long term relationship between humans and nature, through an artistic-educational approach. To meet this goal, we created three different maps, printed in 100% cotton fabric, each of them with an actual map of the park on one side and interesting facts about the animals living there on the other side.


Team Members: Agustina Caldas, Hugo Mendes e Isadora de Luna.


Packaging and trail map


Back of the map

Map seen from the front

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