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Mountain Animation


Hammer Animation

Medos e Mitos

Graphic Design

As freelancer, I develop the Visual Identity of the documentary, creating the graphic interventions and animations. including the Parallax ones.The film isn't avabile to the public yet, but it is competing to participate in several film festival of the area


Parallax Animation


Concept and Production

Made as a solo assignment for University. This video is the result of an experiment to  integrate live action with animation, using “Premiere”, “After Effects” and “Illustrator” softwares. I also chose to add a soundtrack to it with “Alligator Sky” (Instrumental), by Owl City.




Final Video

Apresentação 2.jpg

Video frame


Concept and Production

Also developed as an assignment for University, this project merges games and audiovisual universes. Creating a narrative built based on the player's choices,  each possibility offers paths that lead to its own consequences. To carry it out I use the “EkoStudio” online Software, a specialized platform for this specific type of media.




Concept and Sound Design

Designed as a sound design class challenge, this solo assignment focuses on the power of sound as a narrative tool in the Audiovisual field. 


Using “Reaper” and “Audacity” softwares,   I worked on each segment, creating a conflict on the way watchers perceive organic movements and recognize modern machinery background noises.



Final Video

Final Video


Concept, Narrative and Dubbing

In this individual project, the challenge was to create a coherent narrative that matched the proposed music respecting the soundtrack as the guideline for emotion and working on the excellence of the adjustment of text and reading rhythm to accomplish a joint delivery of the story. 


Made in portuguese, this project is not available in english yet.



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